LEMON – 24/7 monitoring of elevators and escalators
In buildings such as hospitals, shopping malls or station platforms where elevators or escalators are located, it is very important to monitor and remotely control the state of these devices 24 hours a day. But how to achieve this? We have a solution for you.
Thanks to LEMONhttp://www.moderni-vytahy.cz/cs/co-delame/nove-vytahy-a-rekonstrukce/centralni-monitoring-vytahu-a-eskalatoru.html monitoring you receive important information on the operation of these devices, technical failures or people getting stuck. You can thus react very quickly to any situation and thus increase the safety when using these devices.
Are you interested in how the LEMON central monitoring of elevators and escalators works? Read more details and view the product sheet.
Source of photographs: Beta Control